Sunday, October 23, 2011

Social Media Overdose

So I've finally been sucked into the all-encompassing black hole that is social media. I can see how all these people get so addicted, its like electronic crack. There is all the elements of drug use, you've got your dealers, Facebook, Twitter, etc. You have the junkies, that would be us the common folk. Then there is the supply. The constant need to keep making friends and tweet/post randomness. The tension builds as you wait for somebody to respond to your messages or accept your friend request and then it hits you. The multi-dimensional electronic matrix blowing your mind to oblivion. At first the high lasts a long time you stay up all night clicking this and clicking that, responding faster than bullets fly. Suddenly you start to crash, you feel that long dark depression of withdrawal nagging at your nerves. It gets so almost start shaking, that is, post, you post something hilarious and the matrix goes flowing through your veins again. Now you start to question yourself maybe you should have taken the other pill, the red one or the blue one, you can't even tell anymore. If it wasn't for the body's necessity to sleep and recuperate you would stay jacked in all night long and soon you slip into slumber mode as the little green numbers start raining down around you. Unless of course you don't sleep. You stay connected, your body becomes...a machine and you spend you're years flying around the interwebs as a sentinel snatching new victims and feeding them, like delicious morsels, to the great machine. More living batteries for the beast.

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