Tuesday, October 18, 2011


So lets get this straight the Israelis' traded 1000 Palestinian prisoners for just one Israeli prisoner and people are all concerned about the fallout of this deal. C'mon you've got to be kidding me. Those 1000 prisoners are like bread crumbs to Israel, thrown out on the lake to draw out the hungry Palestinian ducks, what better way to keep a fire burning then providing more fuel. The Israelis are just bolstering the ranks of its enemy just to generate more animosity, it helps keep them in a state of tension, which in turn gives them an excuse to take whatever actions they deem necessary. Israel and its US backed regime aren't stupid and their actions are more thought out and premeditated then even I can imagine. Its funny and it seems to me that it is just basic warfare strategy. Trying to stay one step ahead of your opponent, learning their tells and using that knowledge to manipulate them into making dangerous mistakes. These are the keys to victory. Now I've seen enough spy movies/shows to know that there are these little things called double agents(not that they've necessarily been turned), how many of those Palestinians released were let go on purpose, most likely without even realizing the role they are actually playing. They'll go running back to there anti-west hating buddies with stories of atrocity and sooner or later you're going to get some Hamas junkies rolling out to attack whatever targets they can. Anybody ever play Duck Hunt on old Nintendo, what happens when the dog flushes out those silly little water foul...BANG! BANG! Another successful hunting trip! Time to collect the trophies...

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